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ACTIVE MINDSET — How to Take Charge of Your Future

"I'm not interested." How recently have you mentioned that? Not too long ago, I venture. Give me four minutes, and I'll explain why that indicates a negative outlook.

I used to always turn to other people for guidance. Your teachers give you daily instructions while you are younger. At elementary school, high school, college, and university, that is the structure in place.

The person giving instructions to a group is always one person. How does that affect individuals?

School institutions instill a passive mindset in us. Furthermore, not much actually changes after school. When I was working my first job, I followed my boss's instructions.

Furthermore, when I launched my first testing in Amazon FBA. I failed.

You may now believe that experience is the determining factor in this.

That is the most apparent concept. We believe:

"As a junior, I follow instructions. As a senior, I issue commands.

Because it's so passive, that's pretty much the worst mindset one can have. Instead, adopting an active mindset is far more advantageous for our profession.


What distinguishes an active mindset from a passive one? And how exactly can we develop an engaged mentality?

I've changed my thinking using a three-step procedure.

Please use it as well.

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Active Mindset vs Passive Mindset

1. Recognise the negative effects of a passive mindset

Thus, when I talk about being bored, it's not in a positive sense. When we're completely at ease, sometimes the best ideas occur to us. That's excellent.

For this article, I'm referring to the moment when we declare, "I'm bored," in a way that betrays our ignorance.

Can you identify with that emotion? There's a feeling of aimlessness.

These days, nobody knows what they're doing. The distinction is that you're not trying when constantly disinterested in life.

Additionally, those who give up are losers. Do you know why? Life is amazing, but you have to make an effort to experience it.

Being unable to get your act together is not cool. Life is too short to be lived as a passenger.

You have to take the wheel at some time and choose your next course of action. It distinguishes those with an active mindset from those with a passive mindset.

The former controls his fate. The latter let others handle it.

2. Make learning a priority.

The greatest way to say it was in Seneca's on the Shortness of Life:

"If you study hard, you'll never get bored with life again, you won't miss the light because you're tired of the day, you won't be a burden to yourself or useless to others, and the best people will come to you and become your friends." - Senaca

Because of this, I think experience has no bearing on having an active mindset. Compared to most senior managers, I know interns who are more inquisitive and ask more questions.

However, age or experience has no bearing on having an active mindset.

My brother and I went to a printing shop the other day. The proprietor, a third-generation entrepreneur, inherited the company from his father many years ago. He took us on a thorough tour and demonstrated the vintage printing presses they had.

I was truly fascinated, as was my brother. The most important invention for human advancement is Johannes Gutenberg's printing press. We would not be where we are now if it weren't for literature. I find that to be fascinating.

"I've never met anyone who asked about how we print our books, magazines, flyers, etc.," the proprietor remarked.

Few people commit to learning. Hence, a great deal of people is perpetually bored. By now, you should not be surprised by it.

3. Include value

Applying step 2 makes adding value simple. You learn when you have curiosity and ask questions. Additionally, as you learn, your knowledge and thoughts will increase.

You can use your ideas to better your life, job, business, etc. when you have them. That makes sense.

However, this does not imply that you should openly impart your thoughts and guidance to everyone. Do you know why?

It's unnecessary to share your brilliant idea or wise counsel with the other person just because you have it. People are easily insulted.

The reason for this is that counsel may be interpreted as criticism.

It is covered in great detail by Dale Carnegie in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People. When attempting to add value, you need to be discrete. Carnegie states:

  1. Don't be critical, condemning, or whiny.

  2. Express your genuine gratitude.

  3. Incite a strong desire in the other person. It's preferable to let people come to their own realisations rather than attempting to compel them.


Action is central to the active attitude.

I occasionally receive emails from readers telling me my blog needs to be changed. "You write too long articles!" It was recently said by someone.

He never read Carnegie.

Developing an active attitude doesn't require more knowledge; action is what will make a difference. That seems like basic sense to those with a passive mindset.

They tend to assume they already know everything.

However, as we both know, what matters is what you do, not what you know.

Our commitment to learning is what matters most. You won't get bored in life or in business if you continue to be proactive and make an effort to assist those (who want to be helped). Plus, you'll continue to advance.

Additionally, any development, no matter how small, is a surefire indicator of an active mindset.

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