Do you feel jealousy when you see your friends or family members:
purchases a new house or car.
get a new job or promotion.
started a new business.
Move to a new city.
Got immigration.
Yes you feel jealous or some kind of envy goes around in your belly.
I have the same mindset for so long that even I don't know that I am also a Crab in a bucket full of Working Professionals.
Party because we are live in a zero-sum game which is bad, and we learn this game since our childhood.
It is in our mindset.
“The world is not driven by greed. It’s driven by envy.” - Charlie Munger
The quote when I read it, shows me my own ego and mindset.
Let learn what is crabs in a bucket mentality.
Crabs in bucket analogy
Pick a bucket and then place one crab in the bucket.
When you put one crab in a bucket, that crab can crawl up and escape.
Now enhance the experiment
Put two or three crabs in the same bucket, now you will see that all 3 crabs trying to move upwards, but they will not escape.
Each time when one of them attempts to come out from the bucket, the other two grab and pull him down.
This behaviour is crab mentality.
If I can’t have it, neither can you.
Even though each crab can climb out, the other crabs always pull them back in. That's why you don’t even need a lid on a bucket full of crabs!
They paralyze each another. The entire group stays in the bucket and see their luck.
Each crab can escape that bucket is they were alone in the bucket.

Humans also show a Crab Mentality
Same as the above story you read.
Humans have the SAME— Crab Mentality or Crab Bucket Syndrome.
They feel pressure from others to hold each other back so no one can rise higher than them.
Generally, this mentality can be evidenced from
If I can’t have it, neither can you. (Common)
“At least taste it.” (Your friends trying to push you back to old junk food)
One more cigarette bro (Peers convincing you to continue the bad habit)
They know you are trying to quit. They know why you are trying to quit.
Most people think this way because they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. They feel stuck because of family, money problems, or what others think.
These average human beings behave in this way because of:
They are not holding you back with their hands, but because they failed, they don’t want to see you succeed.
They want you to stay the same because they do not like seeing someone rise higher than them.
You will see these behaviors in following examples:
1.Start business
When you try to start a business, some people will say it’s too risky and that having a job is safer. They will tell you to stick to a job that pays well.
These people are like crabs in a bucket, trying to pull you back in with them.
It’s good to listen to advice, especially from people who know about business and have experience.
If someone says, "Never start a business because it's too risky," they either don’t understand or want to stop you.
2.Reading books
When you start a book, some people may say it’s a waste of time and that watching TV or using social media is fun.
These people are like crabs in a bucket, trying to keep you distracted like them.
It is good to listen to book suggestions, especially from people who have read many different kinds of stories.
But if someone says, "Don’t read books because they are boring and useless," they either don’t understand or don’t want you to grow your mind.
3.Stop eating junk
When you try to eat healthy, some people might say junk food is fine and that you're worrying too much.
These people, like crabs in a bucket, don’t want you to change your habits.
It's good to enjoy food in balance and try different meals, especially from those who know about healthy eating.
But if someone tells you, "Don't bother eating healthy because all food is the same," they might not know better or don’t want you to make better choices.
Why human crabs do this.
Human crabs are afraid if you succeed:
Your business will work,
You will lose weight, or
You become healthy when stop junk food.
You will become a much better and stronger person than them. Deep down, they will know they could have done the same if they had not wasted their time on silly things.
But instead of trying to improve, they spend all their energy pretending you are like them. The idea of you becoming better scares them because it reminds them of their own weaknesses.
Most of these people have already given up on making their lives better. They tell themselves it’s not their fault—it’s the world’s fault. But when they see you improving, it shakes their fake confidence.
When you work hard and move ahead, it shows them the truth: they didn’t fail because the world was unfair.
They failed because they chose not to try.
It reminds them that they’re not doing well because of their:
zero talent,
prolonged procrastination, and
general unwillingness to take risks.
And this realization piss them off.
No one likes to see someone below them rise above them.
So they try to ensure that you don’t get ahead.
They try to sabotage your progress.
It makes them feel better and more secure about their own place in the world.
There is a saying:
People don’t want to be rich, they just want to be richer than their neighbours.
Common Life Comments or Examples of Crab Mentality
Following comments are actual reflection of crabs in a bucket meaning:
1.They will try to bring your self-confidence down by attacking you psychologically.
He is out of your league, don’t try.
You are not smart enough to teach yourself coding.
2.They will tell you it won’t work out.
Business is too risky.
All the people who go to the gym become fat when they stop.
3.They will target your insecurities.
You can not do videos, your voice sucks.
You’re not good looking enough to be in the entertainment industry.
4.They will tell you that you’re wasting your time.
Being a content creator is too saturated, you’ll never get any traction.
Do you know how many startups fail each year? Why do you think your idea is any different?
5.They will tell you that you’re okay the way you are.
Why do you need the gym? You look good already.
I like personality flaw. You don’t need to correct personality flaw.
6.They will give you bad “advice” designed to make you fail.
"Begin the company with credit card debt!"
"Get a Job. Businesses fail all the time. Jobs are safe."
And 99% of the times, they win.
I've seen people getting healthy and losing weight but gaining it back because their friends pushed them to eat junk food.
“So you’re drinking fruit juices now?
Are you sure you’re getting enough protein?”
This question tries to say your diet isn’t healthy, but they eat things like fried cheese and greasy nuggets!
Who are these Crabs?
If you know that generally the crabs are your closest people
your best friend,
your “urban tribe”,
your co-workers, and
even your family members.
Often, those closest to you are your worst enemies.
It sounds absurd, but it’s true.
Think of a time when someone’s words made you doubt yourself during your personal growth journey. It likely came from someone close to you.
You will be a social outcast if you engage in activities that the group does not agree with.
I have lost more friends to personal growth and progress than to any number of fights and arguments that I’ve had. The quickest way to lose friends and alienate people is to improve yourself.
And there’s nothing you can do to change this reaction people will have.
It’s a part of human nature.
How to fix this?
Outside of getting better friends, one way to handle this mentality is to not tell people what you’re up to.
People do not need to know you’ve been trying to start an online business.
People do not need to know you’re learning to code.
People do not need to know why you’re doing what you’re doing – it’s none of their business.
The more you broadcast your actions, the more you are vulnerable to these crabs.
Many rich people keep their wealth a secret because there’s no reason to show it off. Also, when you talk about your plans, your brain feels happy like you already did them, making you less likely to try!
This is also why some people love talking about success and never venture out to get any success.
If you must tell people, tell them after you have already accomplished what you were trying to do.
When you get ahead – people WILL be upset.
People WILL target your insecurities to slow you down.
People WILL try to “show you your place.”
You WILL wonder if things are worth it.
And you WILL doubt your actions.
You WILL want to “fall in line.”
And 99% of people will fall in line.
Peer pressure is default into our brains.
Humans have evolved to live in tribes.
Long ago, people stayed in groups to stay safe. Being alone was dangerous! But today, peer pressure stops people from growing. It makes them follow the crowd instead of trying to do better.
But you must still do it.
You HAVE to be that ONE CRAB that escapes.
You HAVE to rise from the herd, both mentally and physically.
How do I escape?
By not giving a rat ass.
They’re using social pressure to hold you down. Their methods only work if you care enough – so don’t care enough. If you face with these crabs – where they try to pressure you into falling in line – CUT THEM OFF.
You’re not losing a friend; you’re losing a traitor.
You’re net ahead.
If you’re faced with a situation where you might become a social outcast – so be it.
I’d rather have no friends than have friends who hold me back. The crabs will despise you for being you as much as they will want to be you.
In a few years of making the right decisions, you will be too far.
Remember, these will be the same people who will ask for help 5 years later. These are the same people who’ll tell you years later that “I always knew you’d make it”. The same people who tried to sabotage your business idea will ask you for a job.
You have to keep going! Nothing will change if you let peer pressure, guilt, or fear stop you from trying.
You’ll be another crab in the bucket.
Last thing, Do not be the CRAB for others.
Of course, you also need to avoid same crab mentality .
If you see someone trying to improve themselves, offer real encouragement and compliments. Offer your advice and guidance and be encouraging. If you want to be the man, you need to act like a man.
You can be the person who climbs out and helps others, or you can be like crabs, pulling everyone down with you.
The decision is yours.
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