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FOCUS STRATEGIES — Strategies to help students focus in the classroom

"Focus is the art of knowing what to ignore." - James Clear

In today's world, a relentless battle is fought every day for the most valuable resource: Your FOCUS.

We adults as a parent needs strategies to help students focus in the classroom.

A line labeled "Focus" ends at a red circle with "1," followed by a tangled black scribble. Text reads "A Single Notification... and you are gone."
ADHD - Lack of Focus

Countless amounts of money and endless hours are dedicated to capturing your focus, and when they succeed... they get rewarded.

In other words, their success comes at your expense. These strategies to help students focus in the classroom

The majority of us are losing this War.

We are outnumbered by an army of behavioural psychologists, computer programmers, and marketers who work tirelessly to invent new methods of keeping you hooked on their social media platforms for just a little longer.

Three phones: old, QWERTY, and smartphone, with red screens. Text: "Potential for Time Waste." Mood: reflective.
Root cause of ADHD - Tools of Distraction

Strategies to help students focus in the classroom

ADHD is a type of mental disease brought on by this lack of focus.

A neurodevelopmental disorder called ADHD is characterised by recurrent patterns of impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention.

It affects people at all ages, from infants to adults, and it can have a big impact on how they live their daily lives.

ADHD that is inattentive causes problems with organisation and focus, whereas ADHD that is hyperactive-impulsive causes problems with restlessness, impulsivity, and impulse control.

Why is ADHD Common Now?

It is not surprising that ADHD has become more common in the age of technological developments and an endless influx of knowledge.

The modern world's continual stimulation and distractions can overwhelm people with ADHD's already fragile attention systems.

The fast-paced occupations, high-pressure settings, and regular social interactions of the luxury lifestyle may also be contributing factors to the growth in ADHD incidence.


I'm going to share a framework of 10 Focus Strategies that students focus in the classroom me to win the focus-war by transforming their ADHD into a superpower.

You'll get knowledge of how to defeat:

  • Distraction

  • Procrastination

  • Different Priorities

  • Sluggish thinking

  • Mental Fatigue

  • Overwhelming sensations

1) Time is NOT Your Most Valuable Asset

Although it might surprise you to hear this, your time truly has no value to anyone.

If it did, you could just show up and pass out. No, but you're paid for your presence and how present you are is a matter of how attentive you are.

Therefore, the first rule is that your most important asset is FOCUS.

2) Time Audit

The second step in mastering your focus is in understanding how it's being stolen from you.

Make a Time Audit by writing down what you did at the top of each hour for a week. Examine and pinpoint points of leaking.

"That which gets measured, gets managed."

Do this for a week and you'll have a very decent idea of how much time you're squandering in a day.

That's great. It implies we now know where we're losing focus and can begin bridging the gaps.

3) Energy Fuels Focus

It’s simple:

No Energy = No Focus

This is not a ground-breaking idea. We all know this, after all.

Yet, raise your hand if you're guilty of destroying your body through inactivity, inadequate rest, and even worse nutrition.

The truth is that when life gets hectic, taking care of ourselves is sometimes the first thing to go.

We compromise our bedtime routine.

We eat for convenience rather than nutrition.

We do less exercise because, let's face it... You simply don't have the time to dedicate an hour to working exercise every day because you are too busy.

The subsequent drop in the calibre of your work shouldn't come as a surprise.

Consequently, we must ask ourselves:

Is it more important to be busy or effective?

When seen through this perspective, we can see that genuine success is measured not by how much you do, but by WHAT you accomplish.

Concentrate on the proper things, and the rest will fall into place.

The three most important things you should never compromise on are your three energy levers:

  • Sleep

  • Exercise

  • Nutrition

4) Close Cognitive Loops

There is a limit to how many thoughts one can hold before forgetting them.

To alleviate this cognitive burden and close open loops in your mind, the most effective approach is to create a Second Brain.

A Second Brain serves as a repository for capturing and retaining all the fleeting thoughts that pass through your mind. By doing so, your brain is freed from holding onto these thoughts, allowing them to be released.

No more dwelling on the same ideas over and over again. Instead, your Second Brain becomes the foundation for organizing your weekly tasks and projects.

In order to tackle this issue, I have developed systems that enable me to quickly and efficiently extract thoughts and ideas from my mind.

The longer a thought lingers in my brain, the greater the chance that it will be lost.

This analogy makes sense if you consider your brain as a computer running multiple applications simultaneously.

Your system can handle running 2-3 programs at the same time without much strain, but if you open 30 programs simultaneously, the entire system becomes sluggish.

The solution that has proven effective for me is to maintain a Second Brain.

5) Always establish clear priorities

“There is no greater waste than to do with excellence that which shouldn’t be done at all.” – Peter Drucker

Don't waste time doing stupid shit.

This quote has become my personal favorite due to how frequently I use it as a reference.

The reason behind its frequent use is that, based on my observations, many individuals fail to accomplish their goals because they waste their time on trivial matters.

Now, it's easy to make this statement, but obviously, nobody wakes up in the morning with the intention of squandering their time on insignificant things.

To address this issue, I have developed a Priority Management System.

6) Goals are for Losers. Winners use Systems

Goals are merely ideas, and without taking action, ideas hold no value.

Research indicates that establishing an Implementation Intention is the most effective system. It involves answering two key questions:

• What are you going to do?

• When will you do it?

Once you have determined your action and timeline, it's essential to schedule it on your calendar.

Keep in mind:

• Either you are in control of your schedule... or

• your schedule controls you.

There is no middle ground. Time blocking is the method through which you take charge of your schedule.

7. Guard Your Intention

Your brain is an incredible marvel, but it tends to be exceptionally lazy.

Its primary objective is to ensure your survival while expending minimal energy.

If left to its own devices, your brain would prefer to keep you in a zoned-out state, indulging in sweets, and endlessly scrolling through media while comfortably seated on your couch.

However, it's important to recognize that YOU are not your brain, and I assume your ultimate aspiration in life extends beyond mere survival.

Your goal is to thrive. This creates an inherent conflict between you and your brain.

The victor in this daily battle determines whether you make progress towards achieving greatness or succumb to a six-hour Netflix binge.

There's no need for shame; we have all experienced those moments.

8. Lift Mental Weights Daily

Focus is akin to a muscle. Like any muscle, to strengthen it, you must push it beyond its current limits.

That's why it's crucial to cultivate a daily practice of Thinking Time (essentially, dedicating time each day to engage in mental exercises, like weightlifting for your mind).

Not only will this practice enhance the clarity of your thoughts, but it will also elevate the quality and intensity of your focus.

Here are some common activities that provide a mental workout:

  • Prayer

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

  • Long walks

  • Reflective moments during long showers

Now, the truth is, going to the gym is challenging.

It never becomes easier; you simply become better.

The reason many people struggle to maintain a consistent routine of mental workouts is that progress is not always visible.

You can't physically see your focus muscle growing and becoming more defined.

This can lead to thoughts like, "Am I just wasting my time?"

Rest assured, you're not wasting your time. Keep at it.

Remember, some of the most important aspects of life cannot be measured, and mental exercise falls into that category.

Just continue showing up and pushing yourself.

The effort will be worthwhile.

I promise.

9. Optimize Your Environment

Here's a way to conceptualize focus:

Focus is the ability to resist distractions.

For our purposes, this definition serves us well, so let's stick with it.

One approach to cultivating laser-like focus is through sheer determination.

Engage in significant mental exercises to enhance your ability to resist distractions.

We have just discussed how to achieve this, but there's another method to enhance the quality of our focus:

Rather than attempting to resist distractions, let's proactively avoid them altogether.

We can achieve this by intentionally designing our work environment.

10. Create a Focus Ritual

Just like every all-star athlete follows a comprehensive warm-up routine before entering the field of play, you should do the same.

Prior to entering the Field of Focus, it's important to perform your own Focus Ritual.

Here's an example of mine:

  1. Clear the desk.

  2. Set a timer.

  3. Put on noise-canceling headphones.

  4. Activate the brain.

  5. AND GO!

Seriously, it takes less than 30 seconds, but it prepares my subconscious mind and readies me to enter a deep state of focus.

Create a Focus Ritual for yourself and then step onto the field with determination to dominate!


In conclusion, while the battle for our focus may be intense, we have the power to reclaim it.

By implementing these ten rules and transforming ADHD into a superpower, we can navigate the modern world's distractions and achieve success in our endeavors.

It's time to take control and harness the power of focus to unlock our full potential.

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